Wolves Term 4 Newsletter

Masters talk…

by Master Instructor Andrew Johnston

Welcome back all Students, Parents and Carers to another exciting term of Taekwondo and Haidong Gumdo.

We have some very special events coming up. Just like last year, we will be celebrating our Gala Day at Tench Reserve Penrith River, so I hope to see you all there and keep your eye out for Santa on that day as well. We all remember Santa’s dance moves last year!

So let’s get Kicking into the last term of 2015!

Christmas Orders Now Being Taken

If you are looking for that special Taekwondo or Gumdo Christmas present, why not check out the Wolves 2015 Christmas Order Form?

Please note: head guards, sparring gloves, arm guards, shin and instep guards, mouth guards and groin guards will be compulsory equipment for the 2016 Taekwondo season.

All orders can be collected at the Taekwondo grading on 13th December 2015 at Winmalee High School.


No late orders will be accepted.

Bring a Relative or Friend to Class

During Term 4, Wolves Martial Arts is running a promotion where students can invite their relatives or friends to Taekwondo or Haidong Gumdo.

Invited relatives or friends who become members of Wolves Martial Arts during Term 3 will receive a FREE:

  • Taekwondo uniform OR
  • Haidong Gumdo Sword

The students who introduce a relative or friend will automatically go into the draw to receive a Taekwondo kick shield, Taekwondo shoes or a Haidong Gumdo Paper Cutting Sword to the value of $69.

The draw will be announced at the next club grading. 

So why not be proud of your club and invite your Mums, Dads, Brothers, Sisters, best Friends or Mates to Taekwondo or Haidong Gumdo!

Wolves Taekwondo Year

Wolves Martial Arts offers classes 43 weeks of the year. Our Taekwondoyear is divided into four terms. The Taekwondo term fee for one class per week (43 classes) is $144 per student. The term fee of $144 is then broken down to a per month fee of $48. 

This method of charging a monthly fee instead of a term fee every three months was introduced to reduce large sums of money being debited from the students account every three months (term duration). 

Therefore, for the newer students, this will answer the question of do we still pay during school holidays.

All cancellations must be in writing and sent via email or postal to Wolves Martial Arts, PO Box 513, Springwood NSW 2777. Email: wolvestkd@optusnet.com.au

No phone cancellations will be accepted.

Wolves Up and Coming Dates and Events

  • Club Gala Day: Sunday 29th November 2015 at 11am – 2pm, Tench Reserve, Nepean River. All family, friends and students are invited
  • Wolves Haidong Gumdo Grading/Seminar: Saturday 12th December 2015, Winmalee High School
  • Wolves Taekwondo Grading: Sunday 13th December 2015, Winmalee High School
  • End of Term 4: Friday 18th December
  • Start of Term 1, 2016: Monday 18th January, 2016

Instructors and Team Leaders Meeting

4.00-6.00pm All Instructors, Team Leadership Team and Assistant Instructors
Place: Tench Reserve, Nepean River, Penrith
Date: Sunday 25th October, 2015
What to bring: Loose training clothes, joggers and all pads and training equipment (uniforms are not required).

Contact Details for Wolves Martial Arts

Office hours: 9:00am – 2:00pm Monday to Friday
Mobile: 0414 925 780
Email: wolvestkd@optusnet.com.au
Postal: PO Box 513, Springwood NSW 2777