Wolves Term 2 Newsletter

Welcome back all Students, Parents and Carers to another exciting term of Taekwondo and Haidong Gumdo. We have some great training programs planned for this Term, and we can’t wait to get kicking!

I want to let everyone know that we are running our 2015 Instructors Course during Term 2  and Term 3. So keep an eye out for our new trainees, and give them your support and encouragement.

Please note that the Wolves Taekwondo and Haidong Gumdo gradings will be held at Springwood High School in June this term.

Let’s get into Term 2!

Master Instructor Andrew Johnston

Instructors and Team Leaders Meeting

– Team Leaders & Assistant Instructors: 4.30pm to 5.30pm
– Instructors: 5.30pm to 7.00pm
Place: East Blaxland Public School
Date: Sunday 17th May, 2015
What to bring: Loose training clothes, joggers and all pads and training equipment (uniforms are not required).

Bring a Relative or Friend to Class

During Term 2, Wolves Martial Arts are running a promotion where students can invite their relatives or friends to Taekwondo or Haidong Gumdo. Invited relatives or friends who become members of Wolves Martial Arts during Term 2 will receive a FREE:

  • Taekwondo uniform OR
  • Haidong Gumdo Sword

The students who introduce a relative or friend will automatically go into the draw to receive a Taekwondo kick shield, Taekwondo shoes or a Haidong Gumdo Paper Cutting Sword to the value of $69.

The draw will be announced at the next club grading. So why not be proud of your club and invite your Mums, Dads, Brothers, Sisters, best Friends or Mates to Taekwondo or Haidong Gumdo!

Wolves Up and Coming Dates and Events

  • Wolves Haidong Gumdo Grading: Saturday 20th June 2015, Springwood High School
  • Wolves Taekwondo Grading: Sunday 21st June 2015, Springwood High School
  • End of Term 2: Friday 26th June
  • Start of Term 3: Monday 13th July

Shedding Light on the Taekwondo Grading Process

How often should I grade?

Taekwondo is not like other sports and activities, we don’t get to perform or show skills very often. The grading is the only time a student gets a chance to “shine”. As the club instructor who has seen thousands of student gradings, I believe that students should be grading every three months. That means that all blue belts and red belts grades should be training at least two classes per week to qualify for the grading attendance criteria.

Some parents may not see a student improve from one grading to the next but the student’s progression of spirit and confidence is so often overlooked. These are the real reasons the students are practicing Taekwondo.

What techniques should I train?

Go to the Downloads page and download the Wolves Taekwondo Grading Syllabus (for all Junior & Senior Grades). Look up your current grade and practice the corresponding techniques listed for your grade level. Also remember, researching Taekwondo is part of your development and I encourage all students to source out any information to help them obtain their Black Belt.

Master Instructor Andrew Johnston

Wolves Martial Arts celebrate 200 Facebook Likes

Wolves Martial Arts have just hit over 200 Facebook likes!

We would like to thank each and everyone who has ”Liked” the Wolves Martial Arts Facebook page!

We hope to see you all at training soon!

Contact Details for Wolves Martial Arts

Office hours: 9.00am – 2.00pm Monday–Friday
Mobile: 0414 925 780
Email: wolvestkd@optusnet.com.au