Wolves Newsletter T1 2018


Masters Talk…

Welcome back all Students, Parents and Carers to another exciting year of Taekwondo and Haidong Gumdo. I hope you all had a peaceful break with your family and friends.

Hold onto your belts, because I have an action packed term of great new classes and programs coming your way!

So let’s kick into Term 1, 2018!


Insurance Renewal 2018

To all Students and Parents, 

Congratulations to all Students and Parents who supported us in 2017 with our focus on safety.

It was great to see most students wearing pads and safety gear. Thank you to the Parents and Carers for supplying the gear and also to the students for remembering to wear them each week. Let’s keep it up for 2018.  

Could all students please return their 2018 insurance forms by Friday 2nd February, 2018.

All students must be insured to participate in any Wolves Taekwondo classes and events.



Wolves “Believe in Yourself” Achievement Wristband

This is a fun program where students will be given the opportunity to see themselves as capable-strong-kind people. Please see Master Andrew for more details. 

This program is going help the student:

  1. Believe in yourself
  2. Learn the value of commitment
  3. Learn to ignore negative self-talk. 
  4. To be kind to yourself


Wolves Challenge Camp

Are you ready?

This Challenge Camp is going to be a high energy/endurance adventure day.

It’s also a great challenge for all Blue and Red belt students and all Black belt students to test their skills. It is also designed to help the Leadership Team and Instructors hone their skills.

The activities will be: High energy Taekwondo activities such as: Black belt level self-defense, sport Taekwondo, board breaking, Black belt grading requirements session, mind and body strength session, pattern work and paper cutting.

  • When: Sunday 25 March, 2018  
  • Time:
    – Juniors (7-11yrs) 8.45am–1.00pm
    – Seniors (12 years and over) 11.45am–5.00pm 
  • Venue: Winmalee High School
  • Cost: $40 per person

For more information, check out the Challenge Camp page


Bring a Friend or Relative to Class Loyalty Program

During this year, Wolves Martial arts will be running a “Bring a Friend or Relative to Class Loyalty Program”.

If a current student invites 5 or more friends or relatives to our school, and their friend or relative joins our school the current student will receive a $100 gift voucher from Shogun Martial Arts supplies or Rebel Sports or Westfield’s shopping centre. 

The new student will also be eligible for a 50% discount off a Taekwondo uniform or a Haidong Gumdo Sword.

Be proud of your club and invite your parents, brothers, sisters, friends and neighbors to Taekwondo and Haidong Gumdo!


Up and coming Dates & Events

  • Wolves Leadership and Instructor training:
    Sunday 18 February at Blaxland East Public School
    4.30pm to 5.30pm
  • Wolves Challenge Camp:
    Sunday 25 March, 8.30am to 5.00pm at Winmalee High School
  • Wolves Haidong Gumdo Grading and Seminar:
    Saturday 7 April, 10.00am at Winmalee High School
  • Wolves Taekwondo Club Colour Belt and Black Belt Grading:
    Sunday 8 April, 8.30am to 4.30pm at Winmalee High School
  • End of Term 1: Friday 13 April
  • Start of Term 2: Monday 30 April

Wolves Newsletter T4 2017


Masters Talk…

Welcome back all students, parents and carers to a fun packed term of Taekwondo and Haidong Gumdo.

I absolutely love this time of the year. We have some very special events coming up. Like last year, we will be celebrating our Gala Day at Tench Reserve Penrith River, so I hope to see you all there and keep your eye out for Santa on that day as well. We all remember Santa’s dance moves last year!

So let’s get Kicking into the last term of 2017!


Wolves Gala Day

We will be celebrating the Wolves Club Christmas Gala Day at Tench Reserve on the Nepean River on Sunday 26th November at 11.00am – 1.30pm. Put the date into your diary now so you don't forget!

Who’s invited? Everyone is invited, including all family members, friends and students are invited to come along and have a great day out.

We hope to see everyone there!
Don't forget to keep your eye out for Santa! We all remember Santa’s dance moves last year!

Click here for more information.


Christmas orders now being taken

If you are looking for that special Taekwondo or Gumdo Christmas present this year...why not check out the Wolves Christmas Order Form.

Please note: head guards, sparring gloves, arm guards, shin and instep guards, mouth guards and groin guards will be compulsory equipment for the 2018 Taekwondo season.

All orders can be collected at the Taekwondo Grading on 10th December.

Please note: all Christmas orders must be in by 10 November  – No late orders will be accepted.

Bring a Relative or Friend to Class

During Term 4, Wolves Martial Arts is running a promotion where students can invite their relatives or friends to Taekwondo or Haidong Gumdo.
Invited relatives or friends who become members of Wolves Martial Arts during Term 4, will receive a FREE 

  • Taekwondo uniform OR
  • Haidong Gumdo Sword

The students who introduce a relative or friend will automatically go into the draw to receive a Taekwondo kick shield or Taekwondo shoes or Haidong Gumdo Paper Cutting Sword to the value of $69. 

The draw will be announced at the next club grading.

So why not be proud of your club and invite your Mum, Dad, Brothers, Sisters, best friends and mates to Taekwondo or Haidong Gumdo!

Wolves Taekwondo Year

Wolves Taekwondo Club offers classes 43 weeks of the year. Our Taekwondo year is divided into four terms. The Taekwondo term fee for one class per week (43 classes) is $150 per student. The term fee of $150 is then broken down to a per month fee of $50. 

This method of charging amonthly fee instead of a term fee every three months was introduced to reduce large sums of money being debited from the students account every three months (term duration). 

Therefore, for the newer students this will answer the question of do we still pay during school holidays.

All cancellations must be in writing and sent via email or postal to Wolves Taekwondo, PO Box 7323, Leura 2780 NSW or email: wolvestkd@optusnet.com.au

No phone cancellations will be accepted.

Up and coming Dates & Events

  • Wolves Club Christmas Gala Day:
    Sunday 26 November, 11.00am–1.30pm at Tench Reserve, Nepean River. All family, friends and students are invited.
  • Wolves Haidong Gumdo Grading/Seminar:
    Saturday 9 December at Winmalee High School.
  • Wolves Taekwondo Club Colour Belt and Black Belt Grading:
    Sunday 10 December at Winmalee High School
  • End of Term 4: Friday 15 December, 2017
  • Start of Term 1, 2018: Monday 15 January, 2018

Instructors and Team Leaders Christmas Meeting

  • Time:
    4.00pm – 5.30pm. All Instructors/Leadership/Assistant Instructors.
  • Where:
    Tench Reserve, Nepean River.
  • When:
    Sunday 5 November
  • What to bring: 
    Loose casual training clothes and joggers – uniforms are not needed.

“Bring a Relative or Friend to Class” Competition Winner!

The Term 3 winner of the “Bring a Relative or Friend to Class” competition winner is:


Congratulations Braydon!

Wolves News, T3 2017

Masters Talk…

By Master Instructor Andrew Johnston

Hello everyone, I hope you all braved the chilly weather and had a wonderful break.

Term 3 is super full of exciting events such as:

  • New Style Challenge Camp
  • Completion of 2017 Instructors Course

Let’s get into Term 3!

Instructors & Team Leaders Meeting


  • 4.00pm Leadership/Assistant Instructor Team
  • 5.00pm Instructors Team

Place: East Blaxland Public School

Date: Sunday 6 August, 2017

What to bring: Loose training clothes, joggers and all pads and training equipment. Uniforms are not required.

The New Style Challenge Camp

Are you ready?

The New Style Challenge Camp is going challenge you more than ever. The biggest improvement will be its direction towards reaching your Black Belt or next Dan grading. The new camp is going to be a high energy and lots of fun. It’s also a great challenge for all Blue and Red belt students, and all Black Belts students to test their skills. It is also designed to help the Leadership Team and Instructors hone their skills.

  • When: Sunday 27 August, 2017  
  • Time:
    – Juniors (7-11yrs) 8.45am–1.00pm
    – Seniors (12 years and over) 11.45am–5.00pm 
  • Venue: Winmalee High School
  • Cost: $40 per person

Click here for more information

Up and coming Dates & Events

  • Wolves Instructor/Team Leaders meeting:
    Sunday 6 August at Blaxland East Public School
    4.00pm Leadership/Assistant Instructor Team
    5.00pm Instructors Team
  • New Style Challenge Camp:
    Sunday 27 August at Winmalee High School
  • Wolves Haidong Gumdo Grading:
    Saturday 16 September at Winmalee High School
  • Wolves Taekwondo Club Colour Belt and Black Belt Grading:
    Sunday 17 September at Winmalee High School
  • End of Term 3: Friday 22 September
  • Start of Term 4: Monday 9 October

Bring a Relative or Friend to Class

During Term 3, Wolves Martial Arts is running a promotion where students can invite their relatives or friends to Taekwondo or Haidong Gumdo.
Invited relatives or friends who become members of Wolves Martial Arts during Term 3, will receive a FREE 

  • Taekwondo uniform OR
  • Haidong Gumdo Sword

The students who introduce a relative or friend will automatically go into the draw to receive a Taekwondo kick shield or Taekwondo shoes or Haidong Gumdo Paper Cutting Sword to the value of $69. 

The draw will be announced at the next club grading.

So why not be proud of your club and invite your Mum, Dad, Brothers, Sisters, best friends and mates to Taekwondo or Haidong Gumdo!

Wolves Taekwondo Year

Wolves Taekwondo Club offers classes 43 weeks of the year. Our Taekwondo year is divided into four terms. The Taekwondo term fee for one class per week (43 classes) is $150 per student. The term fee of $150 is then broken down to a per month fee of $50. 

This method of charging amonthly fee instead of a term fee every three months was introduced to reduce large sums of money being debited from the students account every three months (term duration). 

Therefore, for the newer students this will answer the question of do we still pay during school holidays.

All cancellations must be in writing and sent via email or postal to Wolves Taekwondo, PO Box 7323, Leura 2780 NSW or email: wolvestkd@optusnet.com.au

No phone cancellations will be accepted.

Wolves News, T2 2017

Masters Talk…

By Master Instructor Andrew Johnston

Welcome back all Students, Parents and Carers to another exciting term of Taekwondo and Haidong Gumdo. We have so much planned for this Term we can’t wait to get kicking! 

The first exciting news I want to share with everyone, is that we have many dedicated students from Nepean Wolves and myself representing Australia at the 2017 World Mulympia Championships. Keep training hard!!

Please note this term, that both the Taekwondo and Haidong Gumdo gradings will be held at Winmalee PUBLIC School.

Let’s get into Term 2!

Instructors & Team Leaders Meeting


  • 4.00–5.00pm Leadership Team
  • 5.00–6.30pm Instructors Team

Place: East Blaxland Public School

Date: Sunday 21 May, 2017

What to bring: Loose training clothes, joggers and all pads and training equipment. Uniforms are not required.

Wolves Haidong Gumdo

Calling all Mums, Dads, Brothers and Sisters!

Have ever wanted to learn an Ancient Korean Sword art? Now’s your chance to learn Haidong Gumdo. No martial arts experience needed. All beginners are most welcome. If you are interested in joining one of our groups (see below), please contact Master Andrew ASAP.

  • Tuesday 7.30pm – 8.30pm at Blaxland East Public School  
  • Wednesday 6.30pm – 7.30pm at Springwood Public School  
  • Friday 6.45pm – 7.45pm at Hazelbrook Public School  

Up and coming Dates & Events

  • Wolves Instructor/Team Leaders meeting:
    Sunday 21 May at Blaxland East Public School
    4.00pm – 5.00pm Leadership Team
    5.00pm – 6.30pm Instructors Team
  • Wolves Haidong Gumdo Grading:
    Saturday 24 June at Winmalee PUBLIC School
  • Wolves Taekwondo Club Colour Belt and Black Belt Grading:
    Sunday 25 June at Winmalee PUBLIC School
  • End of Term 2: Friday 30 June
  • Start of Term 3: Monday 17 July

Shedding Light on the Grading Process

How often should I grade?

Taekwondo is not like other sports and activities, we don’t get to perform or show our skills very often. The grading is the only time a student gets a chance to “shine”. As the Club Instructor, who has seen thousands of student gradings, I believe most students should be grading every three months. That means that all blue belts and red belts grades should be training at least two classes per week, to qualify for the grading attendance criteria 

Some parents may not see a student improve from one grading to the next but the student’s progression of spirit and confidence is so often overlooked.  These are the real reasons the students are practicing Taekwondo.


Does everyone feel fear at some point in their life? I believe so. Do we like the “feeling of fear”? Some would say definitely not. Do we like the “feeling of happiness”? Most of us would say yes. 

So why do we like the “feeling of happiness” and not see the benefit of the “feeling of fear”. Facing our feelings of fear, gives us the motivation to challenge ourselves. The feeling of fear also helps us move forward and try new experiences. Being open to what “feelings” we allow ourselves to accept, as being useful, is the first step in allowing ourselves to grow our emotional well being. I believe all “feelings” have their purpose. It’s the appropriate behaviours we directly connect to “feelings” is what determines whether we live a full or limited life.
By Master Andrew Johnston

Wolves News, T1 2017

Masters Talk…

By Master Instructor Andrew Johnston

Welcome back all Students, Parents and Carers to another exciting year of Taekwondo and Haidong Gumdo. I hope you all had a peaceful Christmas, and I would like to wish you all a happy 2017. We have so much planned for this Term … I can’t wait to get kicking!

Let’s get into Term 1!

Instructors & Team Leaders Meeting


  • 4.00–5.00pm Leadership Team
  • 5.00–6.30pm Instructors Team

Place: East Blaxland Public school

Date: Sunday 19 March, 2017

What to bring: Full uniform – no t-shirts, training gear, joggers and pads

Bring a relative or friend to class

During this term, Wolves Martial Arts is running a promotion where students can invite their relatives or friends to Taekwondo or Haidong Gumdo. 

Invited relatives or friends who become members of Wolves Martial Arts during this term, will receive a FREE:

  • Taekwondo uniform OR
  • Haidong Gumdo Sword

The students who introduce a relative or friend, will automatically go into the draw to receive a Taekwondo kick shield, Taekwondo shoes OR a Haidong Gumdo Paper Cutting Sword to the value of $69.

Wolves Haidong Gumdo

Calling all Mums, Dads, Brothers and Sisters!

If you ever have wanted to learn an Ancient Korean Sword art, now’s your chance. No martial arts experience needed. All beginners are most welcome. If you are interested in joining one of our groups, please contact Master Andrew.

  • Tuesday 7.30pm – 8.30pm at Blaxland East Public School  
  • Wednesday 6.30pm – 7.30pm at Springwood Public School  
  • Friday 6.45pm – 7.45pm at Hazelbrook Public School  

Wolves Taekwondo Year

Wolves Taekwondo Club offers classes43 weeks of the year. Our Taekwondoyear is divided into four terms. The Taekwondo term fee for one class per week (43 classes) is $150 per student. The term fee of $150 is then broken down to a per month fee of $50. This method of charging amonthly fee instead of a term fee every three months was introduced to reduce large sums of money being debited from the students account every three months ( term duration). Therefore for the newer students this will answer the question of do we still pay during school holidays.

Insurance Renewal 2017

To all students and parents, congratulations to all students and parents who supported us in 2016 with our focus on safety. It was great to see most students wearing pads and safety gear. Thank you to the Parents and Carers for supplying the protective gear and also to the students for remembering to wear them each week. 

Please note ALL Insurance renewals are due as from 1 February 2017. All students must be insured to participate in any Wolves Taekwondo classes and events. 

Please return your insurance form and fee by 10 February 2017.

Up and coming Dates & Events

  • Wolves Instructor/Team Leaders meeting:
    Sunday 19 March at Blaxland East Public School
    4.00pm – 5.00pm Leadership Team
    5.00pm – 6.30pm Instructors Team
  • Challenge Camp:
    Sunday 26 March at Winmalee High School
  • Wolves Haidong Gumdo Grading:
    Saturday 1 April at Winmalee High School
  • Wolves Taekwondo Club Color Belt Grading:
    Sunday 2 April at Winmalee High School
  • End of Term 1: Friday 7 April
  • Start of Term 2: Wednesday 26 April

Building Self Esteem

As a Master, I always encourage the martial arts student to follow three basic rules when they are trying build their confident and self esteem:

1. Think you can

2. Train as much as you can

3. Ultimately prove you can

Through the positive lessons offered at our martial arts school, students start to believe in themselves. In the past where others dictated their destiny, in the future they will slowly guide themselves in the direction they want to go. Building a healthy self-esteem, is like giving you a life long gift.

You will never give up on yourself again.

Wolves Term 4 Newsletter

Masters talk…

by Master Instructor Andrew Johnston

Welcome back all Students, Parents and Carers to another exciting term of Taekwondo and Haidong Gumdo.

We have loads of exciting events coming up. This term NSW Haidong Gumdo will be hosting the Oceania Mulimpia Championships.

We will also be celebrating our Gala Day at Tench Reserve Penrith River, so why not bring along your family and friends, and have a great day.

So let’s get kicking into the most exciting term of 2016!

Christmas orders now being taken

If you are looking for that special Taekwondo or Gumdo Christmas present, why not check out the Wolves 2016 Christmas Order Form?

Please note: head guards, sparring gloves, arm guards, shin and instep guards, mouth guards and groin guards will be compulsory equipment for the 2017 Taekwondo season. Please see your instructor to place your order.

All orders can be collected at the Taekwondo grading on 11 December 2016.


No late orders will be accepted.

We will be celebrating the Wolves Christmas Gala Day at Tench Reserve on the Nepean River on Sunday 27th November at 11.00am – 1.30pm. Put the date into your diary now so you don't forget!

Who’s invited? All family members, friends and students are invited to come along and have a great day out.

We hope to see you all there, and don't forget to keep your eye out for Santa! We all remember Santa’s dance moves last year!

Bring a Relative or Friend to Class

During Term 4, Wolves Martial Arts is running a promotion where students can invite their relatives or friends to Taekwondo or Haidong Gumdo.

Invited relatives or friends who become members of Wolves Martial Arts during Term 4, will receive a FREE:

  • Taekwondo uniform OR
  • Haidong Gumdo Sword

The students who introduce a relative or friend will automatically go into the draw to receive the choice of one of the following items:

  • Taekwondo Kick Shield
  • Taekwondo shoes
  • Haidong Gumdo Paper Cutting Sword
  • Value of $69

The draw will be announced at the next Club Grading.

So why not be proud of your club and invite your Mum, Dad, Brothers, Sisters, best friends or mates to Taekwondo or Haidong Gumdo!

Wolves Taekwondo Year

Wolves Martial Arts offers classes 43 weeks of the year. Our Taekwondo year is divided into four terms. The Taekwondo term fee for one class per week (43 classes) is $144 per student. The term fee of $144 is then broken down to a per monthly fee of $48. 

This method of charging a monthly fee instead of a term fee every three months, was introduced to reduce large sums of money being debited from the students account every three months (term duration). 

Therefore, for the newer students, this will answer the question of do we still pay during school holidays.

All cancellations must be in writing and sent via email or postal to Wolves Martial Arts, PO Box 7323, Leura NSW 2780. Email: wolvestkd@optusnet.com.au

No phone cancellations will be accepted.

Wolves Up and Coming Dates and Events

  • Club Gala Day: Sunday, 27 November 2016 at Tench Reserve, Nepean River at 11.00am – 1.30pm. All family, friends and students are invited.
  • Wolves Haidong Gumdo Grading and Seminar: Saturday, 10 December 2016 at Winmalee High School
  • Wolves Taekwondo Grading: Sunday, 11 December 2016 at Winmalee High School
  • End of Term 4: Friday, 16 December 2016
  • Start of Term 1, 2017: Monday, 16 January 2017

Check out the Events page for more details.